We all have our favorite childhood Christmas traditions and this year you might want to create some new ones for your family and friends to enjoy together. Why not try serving up some churros during your next holiday get-together?
Gingerbread men are popular in the US but many traditional English Christmas desserts are trickier to make and a little outdated. For instance, it's rare to see English Christmas pudding, Italian Panettone, German stollen, or Scandinavian yule log at the average American's Christmas dinner party, so why not take a break from your usual snowflake-shaped sugar cookies and take a page out of Spanish culture’s book this Christmas?
Each country has its own special take on the classic treats that we eat at this time of year and Spanish cuisine is no exception.
Churros are a traditional Spanish traditional treat and although not technically a Spanish Christmas-time snack (churros and chocolate are enjoyed all year round) they are perfect of the holidays. Families are usually out and about seeing the Christmas lights or shopping, and they stop for churros and chocolate as an afternoon merienda (snack).
Luckily, this is a treat that’s super quick and easy to make at home. So why not try it this year?
The San Diablo Fiesta in a Box kit makes it super easy to make churros for your next Christmas party. The contents are reusable as well so you can create a new tradition of churro magic year after year.
Traditional Spanish churros are curved in a horseshoe shape, covered in white sugar, and dipped in thick dark chocolate. Traditional Mexican churros are hollow and filled with Dulce de leche, Nutella, or jams. You can continue with tradition or add your own unique flair and get creative with flavor combos. Kids will love churros with peppermint filling, topped with candy canes while parents can enjoy a spiced eggnog sauce for dipping. The San Diablo Fiesta in a Box kit comes with nine different nozzles so you can make hollow mini churros for filling or longer horseshoe-shaped churros for dipping.
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be the busiest! With family visiting, parties to attend, and gifts to buy, it can be a struggle to stay on top of everything. The last thing you want to worry about is how you’re going to treat your guests to some delicious party food, especially if you’ve left it until the last minute and are desperate for some festive inspiration. The Fiesta in a Box Kit comes with a dry mix, a just-add-water dough packet, and the San Diablo churro maker which means you can make a delicious holiday dessert with no stressful trips to the grocery store and only 15 minutes in the kitchen.
Take churros to your neighbors while caroling or leave churros out for Santa on Christmas Eve! It’s super easy to include your kids and they’re always a huge hit at parties. Start a new tradition with your friends and family this year with Christmas churros.