Ever wondered if you could make fresh gourmet churros while camping? Perhaps you’re living the van life so you have a limited kitchen. Maybe you love churros so much that you carry your Fiesta In a Box Kit wherever you go!
It might sound ridiculous, but it’s not impossible. Making churros using your San Diablo at-home churro kit is so easy you can even do it while camping. To make the dough you’ll have to boil water (over a fire, camping stove, kettle, or however you heat your food) and add your dry mix packet. Combine the dough until it reaches a Play-Doh-like consistency. Next, you’ll have to fry, bake, or roast your churros. If you have cooking oil tucked away in a tent somewhere, heat the oil until it is ready for frying. Worst case scenario: wrap your churro dough around a stick and hold it over the fire. Top, fill, or dip your churros to your liking.